Ready to Walk the Talk?

We are here to help you build and maintain an effective sexual abuse prevention strategy.

When you Walk the Talk, we help you identify the best practices you already have in place, and what steps you can take to enrich your prevention strategy. 

Kids need to be protected from sexual abuse and we know that when youth-serving organizations implement best practices the entire community learns what it takes to keep kids safe.

This is no fee to speak with our Lead Trainer who has been supporting child prevention initiatives for over a decade.

Let’s Walk the Talk Together

Are you a leader in a youth-serving organization that is ready to enrich and improve your sexual abuse prevention practices immediately

Because that’s how soon kids need us to keep them safe.

We’ll help you identify simple steps that you can take now to help keep kids safe.

Keep Your Organization Safe

Talking openly and confidently about sexual abuse prevention helps keep kids safe. When you can talk openly and confidently about child sexual abuse prevention, it sends a message to children and their caregivers that you care about their safety.

Priority Kids is here to help you identify the steps that you can take to keep kids safe. With a clear understanding of how to protect children, talking about prevention becomes manageable.

“Anything that's human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable…” Fred Rogers

What is the next step you will take to keep kids safe from sexual abuse?

Walk the Talk

There is no charge for your organization to consult with our Lead Trainer, Angela Johnston, who has been training adults to keep kids safe for over a decade.

Angela reviews prevention strategies with confidence. She promotes evidence-informed best practices that are utilized around the world with stunning results.

Together, we will create a plan that you can implement in your organization.

After your personalized strategy call, you’ll have increased confidence in the practices you have in place. 

You will be prepared with a high quality, meaningful response when you are asked, 

“what do you have in place to keep kids safe from sexual abuse?” 

 and… you’ll know what you need to do to fill any gaps or enrich your current practices.

 You can implement the plan on your own, or you can partner with Priority Kids and work with us to take your next steps together.

Time to Act

When staff and volunteers are trained, children are better protected.

When children are better protected, your organization is better able to fulfill your mission and vision.

It’s All on the Table

We want to help you keep kids safe. If, after our strategy call, you decide to hire us to deliver training in your organization, that will be great. We love to share this effective training.

Adults are more likely to intervene and keep kids safe when they have been trained.

If you decide to take the next steps on your own, that’s okay too. There are simple steps that you can take to keep kids safe without hiring support. We’ll help you identify those steps so you can implement them in your organization.

Let’s show kids that we will Walk the Talk and prioritize keeping them safe from sexual abuse.


Very helpful in forming a plan and implementing it. Great steps to take & dialog to help raise awareness.

Church Elder